Ertek Group

We put forth comprehensive solution documents within our solution team, ensuring a complete understanding of customer needs and presenting the most reliable, innovative, and budget-friendly solution proposals.

Contact Us

83 Okullar Street, Kucuk Kaymakli, Nicosia, North Cyprus
+90 392 444 85 85

Our Values


At the core of every activity we undertake lie our defined company values. When taking on projects, we recognize the importance of not overlooking these values and strive to work accordingly. We understand that adhering to our values will lead to greater success in the sectors where we provide our services.

Including our employees and business partners in processes and decision-making mechanisms, ensuring that no stakeholder is excluded from processes due to discrimination or prejudice.

Being honest with our customers, everyone we serve, and our employees. Adhering without exception to relevant laws and regulations, as well as internationally recognized ethical values in all of our activities.
An understanding of corporate sustainability that is conscious of economic, environmental, and social responsibilities towards internal and external stakeholders.
An open relationship based on mutual trust, respect, and success with our employees.
Continuously evolving on the path to the new by using the past and experiences as a ladder.

Creating a workforce that produces innovative solutions with education and experience, recognizes itself as a member of the team and its personal contribution, questions, continuously evolves, and develops. Establishing a structure that feels connected to a team, a community, and nature in all processes, without compromising on Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment; from the tool it holds, to the paper it provides, to the words it speaks to the customer.

Sharing success and standing together in the face of failure, utilizing professional values and accumulated knowledge for societal interests.
Working to establish and advance a central democratic management approach within the organization as a standardized corporate entity. Fulfilling responsibilities related to society, environment, and economic matters, among others, with managerial accountability.
Demonstrating an open attitude regarding decisions and activities that affect the environment, society, and the economy. Providing honest and clear communication with all stakeholders involved in our company’s processes.