Ertek Group

We put forth comprehensive solution documents within our solution team, ensuring a complete understanding of customer needs and presenting the most reliable, innovative, and budget-friendly solution proposals.

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83 Okullar Street, Kucuk Kaymakli, Nicosia, North Cyprus
+90 392 444 85 85

Author: Ertek Group


Data Center Facility Testing and Commissioning Process

Since 1982, ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) has been publishing technical articles on Commissioning and providing supportive training programs. This process is particularly highlighted for mechanical systems. The necessity for such a process arises due to the…


The Ertek Group is 30 years old!

Ertek Group’s Chairman of the Board, Ergün Emiroğulları, released a message on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. “Valuable Stakeholders of ERTEK Group, Business Partners, Dear Friends, and Employees, From the waterless village of Baf’s Susuz, aiming to be beneficial to…


Data Center Facilities’ Unsung Heroes

As reliance on information technology grows, the significance of data center facilities and the expected performance criteria from them become increasingly critical. In today’s information age, the production of information occurs within the critical facilities of data centers, where data is…


Türkiye aims to increase its investments in solar energy.

With an average daily sunlight duration of 7.5 hours, the country is targeting the widespread establishment of solar power plants. The production goal for 2030 is to increase from 8 billion watts to 30 billion watts. Turkey’s current solar energy capacity…


The Physical Infrastructure of a Data Center is akin to a specialized hardware hotel!

The Data Center Service can be defined as the business intelligence value chain where valuable corporate information is collected, processed, and distributed. Within this value chain, from the physical infrastructure of the data center to applications and business intelligence, there exist…
